
Chapter 4 is out now! 


Hi guys! I'm not dead, I am very much alive but I will be on hiatus until the beginning of October.  School has been kicking my butt and I feel horrible for not being able to push out more chapters. I really want to be able to release more episodes, I will really soon. Thank you all for understanding. I love all of you so much. <3


Hi guys! I'm alive and I wanted to say that I have a new story that will be coming out very soon. At the moment I am only going to be releasing the first three chapters of my new story TIME LAPSE. I also going to be putting this into the Wattys 2018! I hope that you guys enjoy this story. It took me 2 months to write 3 chapters, so I hope that you enjoy them!


Hello wolfies, Happy New Year and Happy Valentines Day! Im sorry to be on hiatus for so long, but im back awith new stories, i will be planning new stories. So im back, but ill be away for a while planning, writing, and editing. Thank you all for understanding, i love all of you. 
          I also changed my name to SarcastixRiptide12


What do you guys want me to update?? OA, or I'm A Teenage assassin?? You guys tell me, now  that I think about it I should really get to bed, I'm going shopping later and I need to have my energy. Gn loves and tell me what you think I should update next!! And i also have an anouncement ( to tired to spell it right) that Ill make 2morrow! Gn my loves!