
Just made a new oneshot book for the ship Murphamy from the TV show The 100! 
          	Please go read it! 
          	Thank you!


heh.... so, my mom took my phone and I got it back but idk if she looked through it or not but my snaochat was up and Im in a LGBTQ+ gc and this may or may not be the last time in a while that ill be on here. If I don't respond back to this in a day, it means that something happened.


@FOODIE_SHIPPER Im so sorry that happens to you :(((


@satans_snazzy_child I hate when my mom takes my phone. I freak out and cry and shes like "See? This is what happens when I punish you."
            No its because you abuse me and violate my privacy and then harras me for things I cant control and make me fele guilty


wT F WHEN DID I HIT 103 FOLLOWERS??!?!?!?! WELL THEN. Thank you all for 100+ followers!!!!! I love you all so fricking much!!


Congrats!!! You so deserve it!


this message may be offensive
Fuck this past week has been shit. Is it was my friends b-day and at the party I had a shit ton of food and I felt so sick afterwards. I checked the scale earlier and I gained 8 pounds and I gave myself 8 scars on my stomach and then some more just for good measure. It hurt so bad but I felt liked I deserved it. Worst part is that I have theater practice tomorrow and I have to get changed in front of people and I haven't told anyone yet. Help 


thanks guys :) i feel better now and u were right it was mainly water weight. Ive just been so obsessed with my weight lately and stress is a big factor as well.


@satans_snazzy_child Calm tf down. 8 pounds isnt all that bad.
            I doubt anybody will even judge you.
            Also, dont forget, it was the end of the day it was probably water weight.
            Dont judge yourself like this, it kinda sounds like developing anorexia.