
Hi, I’m still alive.
          	I apologize for not updating TARON on-time, it’s not because of my other projects (which already take up so much of my time anyway), but it’s purely because I just haven’t felt up to writing on Wattpad recently. I write a few lines and then I feel like I’ve hit a wall. So I guess I have writer’s block for the moment (even though I already know what to write for the story). I‘ve just been waiting for some motivation. [cries]
          	To answer your question, “when will the next update be?”
          	I don’t know.
          	But I’m hoping that this rut doesn’t last too much longer and to publish some chapters next month.
          	If I don’t, please whoop my ass.


@schittwriter Take as long as you need! 


Hey author!! It's been a year since you last posted an announcement so I just wanted to ask if u are going to finish TARON or not:) 


Firstly, I’d like to thank you for reading TARON and showing your interest! I do appreciate anyone who shows an interest in my first Wattpad story, especially because I’m always self-conscious with my traditional writing skills (I’m more of a coder than a traditional writer). I will admit though, that my projects on Episode Interactive have always been a priority to me over anything on Wattpad but I still have every intention to finish what I started, it may take awhile though, but I will publish new chapters on here whenever I have the motivation and need a break from coding. (: 


Hi, I’m still alive.
          I apologize for not updating TARON on-time, it’s not because of my other projects (which already take up so much of my time anyway), but it’s purely because I just haven’t felt up to writing on Wattpad recently. I write a few lines and then I feel like I’ve hit a wall. So I guess I have writer’s block for the moment (even though I already know what to write for the story). I‘ve just been waiting for some motivation. [cries]
          To answer your question, “when will the next update be?”
          I don’t know.
          But I’m hoping that this rut doesn’t last too much longer and to publish some chapters next month.
          If I don’t, please whoop my ass.


@schittwriter Take as long as you need! 