hi! how are you? i hope everything is good! :)
Reading Lists
Hey, everyone! How are you? I noticed a lot of authors take leave or breaks so I want to ask if there's any more people who still read fanfictions. Anyway, this is not my leave message in case you're wondering. I have lost touch, no doubt. And I think I've also kinda given up on writing from scratch. So from this day, I'll publish adaptation books. Which is basically books from other fandoms or original books adapted for seaycee (I'll ask their permission don't worry). So you'll get new books to read and I'll be able to still keep going. Anyway, let me know if you still read fanfictions, cuz traffic has been real slow here. (Lots of books coming.) Love all of you ❤ (P.S can't believe people still read Betrothed)
I do read fanfics yes and I really like you're writing so I'm excited for the adaptation books.
hi! how are you? i hope everything is good! :)
Hey, everyone! How are you? I noticed a lot of authors take leave or breaks so I want to ask if there's any more people who still read fanfictions. Anyway, this is not my leave message in case you're wondering. I have lost touch, no doubt. And I think I've also kinda given up on writing from scratch. So from this day, I'll publish adaptation books. Which is basically books from other fandoms or original books adapted for seaycee (I'll ask their permission don't worry). So you'll get new books to read and I'll be able to still keep going. Anyway, let me know if you still read fanfictions, cuz traffic has been real slow here. (Lots of books coming.) Love all of you ❤ (P.S can't believe people still read Betrothed)
I do read fanfics yes and I really like you're writing so I'm excited for the adaptation books.
Quick poll time :- *But If You Loved Me* Or *Stranger Games* Tell me which one in the comments ;)
HEY!!! Just wanna ask you alright!? It's been a while..
@ShivaniAgrawal643 heyy how are you doing? I'm alright. Just not really motivated. Tho I'm trying to focus on three books at the same time so you can see how indecisive I am. Thank you for asking ❤
Hey, I just wanted to know if you guys wanted me to post a chapter on my oneshots book to chat about what's happening. I feel like that's more interactive than this conversation page. I have way too many thoughts to pour out here. So let me know. Also I'm conflicted as hell.
@ seayceeforlife Hi guys I hope your all doing well. I know I'm a little late but I don't have social media so if one of you could explain me what happened I would be super grateful. Thank you very much. ❤(Sorry if my English is not correct, English is not my first language).
Hey guys I just posted a new oneshot on my oneshots book after 45896 years. It's basically a continuation of my oneshot Blue tings but can be read alone too. This is also my pathetic attempt to make up for not updating in so long. Also that book has been lying in the corner feeling lonely for so long it's funny. But anyway, have an amazing day and slay everyone❤
Yes!!! So happy to see something from you :) thank you! I hope you are doing fine ❤️❤️❤️
I wanted to finish the chapter and post but... My brain isn't functioning anymore. Sean you are playing us real well. Not giving the date. I am genuinely going into cardiac arrest. Currently busy digging my grave.
@user136495 I've been feeling that all day. The feeling won't go away :))))(())
Hey guys!! You're probably busy hating me right now but I literally can't post right now. With exams, deadlines and other stuff I'm squished with pressure. I really wanted to finish it this month but unfortunately that doesn't seem possible. Give me like a week's time more (I know I'm asking for a lot) and I'll upload it. We're so close to the end that I'm sad. Anyway, An loves you. ❤❤❤ That is a fact :))) Thank you for sticking around.♥♥♥
Take your time An! Education comes first... When you’re done with your assignments and you are more relaxed then you can write the rest if you want to. And it’s going to be better cause you don’t have other thoughts in your mind ☺️
@seayceeforlife hey hey it's okay education is important after all so take your time and focus on things that important for you!! and you can take a rest after that so make sure you do good ok!!
I know it wrote it in the author's note but I just wanted to say it again that THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR 20 FRICKING K! It's an insane number for me. I don't really look at the numbers but the fact that so many people are reading my book, makes me so giddy and happy. I love you all ❤❤❤❤❤
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