
          	Species will be taken down at 4pm central time today. If you are still reading it, please let me know ASAP and I will send you any and all remaining chapters. You can reach me by email at or private message me on this account. 


I'm sorry :'(  If you are still interested in reading it, I am still open to sending the story through an email :)


          Species will be taken down at 4pm central time today. If you are still reading it, please let me know ASAP and I will send you any and all remaining chapters. You can reach me by email at or private message me on this account. 


I'm sorry :'(  If you are still interested in reading it, I am still open to sending the story through an email :)


I don't even know what the first book or other books were about so I can't read your book. 


Does that help?


There is a short description for Species in the summary section. Species is also the first book, so it is where readers should start at. 


          Dear Loves,
          On February 27th of 2017, I will be removing Species from Wattpad. As many of you know, I have been rewriting this story in private to make it even better, and possibly even pursue publication. Because of this, Species will not be reuploaded to Wattpad* and I will instead be uploading new stories, possibly to a fresh, new account.
          I hate having to do this, so I have decided to keep Species up for a little more than two months, in order for anyone who is reading the story to be able to finish it. If you are currently reading Species, and do not finish by the 27th of February, then please private message me, and I will send you the remaining chapters.
          Thank you.
          With love,
          *Excerpts may be uploaded once  I have the manuscript fully and professional editted


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Hey loves!
          So a few of you may have known that awhile ago, I said I would make a YouTube channel dedicated to writing.
          And ever fewer of you know that awhile ago, I made the video and completely fucked it up, refusing to post anything that wasn't quality content.
          Still though, I want to make something beautiful for my lovely loves out there and was wondering what you guys were thinking I should do.
          I still want to do YouTube but will need to save up in order to buy a quality camera (I'm thinking of some sort of DSLR camera since a majority of filming would be inside), but I was still looking forward to making something to thank all you lovely people out there for sticking by me for so long.
          So what do you think I should do? 
          Maybe a live Twitter chat? (I've seen others like Kim Chance do this)
          Or how about a  never before seen looks at the Species manuscript?
          These are both just ideas I had in my head, so please feel free to suggest anything you want.
          With love,


The Wattys 2016 are here!
          This year, I'm planning on releasing an entirely new book, something NOT Species related.
          The tittle for this book will either be Reborn or Asleep and will be a YA contemporary fantasy book. Continue reading for a description! 
          Emmaline just turned sixteen and is having dark and nightmarish dreams of disturbing deaths in different time periods (like the Salem Witch Trials or the Revolutionary War). In each dream, she sees a boy. He's tall, he's handsome, and oddly familiar. . .
          But they're just dreams. Until the mysterious boy shows up at Emmaline's new school and drags her into a world Emmaline could never even imagine. 
          That's all I'm planning on releasing as of now since I'm still outlining, but I'll make sure to keep you guys updated!


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Hey loves!
          A few of you guys know that I had some technical difficulties and could not upload the video when promised.
          HOWEVER, I do have something that you may want. :)
          (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)
          MY YOUTUBE LINK!
          Even though I still have not gotten around to uploading the video, I figured I could at least give you lovely readers something today.

          ***side note***
          The first video will be uploaded tomorrow (if all goes as plans) since today is dedicated to moving all my writing, reading and vlog shit upstairs. I know how much I hate background noise in videos and I figured it would be too cruel to do the same to you guys. 
          Questions, comments. and/or concerns?
          Email me at


Hey loves!
          This is a list of the video release schedule based off of what was requested via Twitter (@adri_mtz27) and Facebook (Adri Martinez). I will begin filming Wednesday and the first video will be released Saturday. 
          Saturday June 11th- Beginnings, Endings and Everything Inbetween (video briefly covering all requested topics)
          Wednesday June 15th- Outlining and Character Maps
          Wednesday June 22nd- Elements of a Story
          Wednesday June 29th- Characterization and World Building
          Wednesday July 6th- Beautiful Endings (how to end your novel, chapter, series, etc)
          Didn't see a topic you wanted/needed to see done? No problem! It's not to late to request a topic. Simply comment or PM me at any of my social media accounts or my Wattpad account. 
          Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter: adri_mtz27
          Facebook: Adri Martinez 


Hey loves!
          I have decided to do a YouTube channel, specifically for writing advice/tips/et cetera and for everything YA.
          I plan to start filming this week (most likely Wednesday or Thursday) and I was wondering what you guys would want my first vlog to be about.
          I have a few ideas, but I want your opinion before I finalize anything.
          So my lovely readers, what do YOU want to see my vlog about?
          Have any questions. comments, and/or concerns? PM me or email me at