
my throat hurts so bad from screaming, last night was my first kpop concert ever IT DIDNT FEEL REAL LIKE??-!1)11 I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT 


I’m still in shock abt moonbin, words cannot truly explain it, all my condolences go to his family and friends, I know what it’s like to lose someone you love so suddenly, I know it must be so painful for his parents and moonsua, his members and friends <\3. my mind can’t really wrap the fact still, but wherever he is I just hope he is at peace, where he faces no worries and is just a free spirit. sending all my love to arohas too. pls stay strong 
          a day may come where we’ll meet again, you did well moonbin, we will see you shine up on the sky every night. rest in peace :(


estaba releyendo mis historias que puse en privado y la vdd mi yo de 12 devoró 


@seokdilf soy domincana, coloubiana, japonese, y koreana


@slepyhedmochi siiii JAJQJQJ soy mexicana :]