
Hey guys, I'm sorry that I've been posting a lot of personal stuff lately, but I'm gathering ideas for a story now. I don't think it will be a fanfiction, but it's sure to be good nevertheless. I hope to have it up soon, but I won't say when exactly. I will still be updating my diary, but it won't be as often as I'd like. I'm going to try a new style for my diary and write it in letter format, so we'll see how that goes. I love you all, and please send me a message or two! I get awful lonely on here.....xoxo, Chrissy


Hey guys, I'm sorry that I've been posting a lot of personal stuff lately, but I'm gathering ideas for a story now. I don't think it will be a fanfiction, but it's sure to be good nevertheless. I hope to have it up soon, but I won't say when exactly. I will still be updating my diary, but it won't be as often as I'd like. I'm going to try a new style for my diary and write it in letter format, so we'll see how that goes. I love you all, and please send me a message or two! I get awful lonely on here.....xoxo, Chrissy


60 fans! Oh my god, you guys give me so many feels!!! I can't thank you guys enough for supporting us! I never thought we would make it this far. I thought we'd get 1000 reads on SCUAH at most, but you guys surprised me. It's just so.. aiwjfighuseawr;avb
          Have I mentioned I've had a lot of sugar today?? No? Well I did.. oh well!!
          Thanks again you guys. You're all awesome and I love every single one of you in a very special way. <3<3
          Forever & Always


God, I'm so hyper right now xD I'm torn between stripping, giggling  or wailing in the corner.......right now I'm wailing and cursing at Apple for having iPod batteries that die, although the pants might come off soon enough >.> happy halloween everyone! Don't eat as much candy as me......
          Chrissy <3


          I want you to know that you are amazing and you're my friend until my death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person who sent it to you. If you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until...... they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00a.m., the person you like is going to realize they love you! Then, something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00p.m. Be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck with love for a whole year. Send this to 15 people to see what happens!! 
          this isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten people in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked, out if you brake this chain you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 35 mins someone will say i love you or i'm sorry