As a long time fan of the sort of humor found in books like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series and the Discworld books, I enjoy stories that don't take themselves too seriously and are just fun to read. If it makes me laugh, or even just puts a smile on my face, then the author has done well. Hopefully my stories will provide that sort of enjoyment to others.

In addition to being an avid reader and writer, I have also done editing and proofreading professionally.


An almost entirely facetious interview with Steve Bart:

Interviewer: Tell us about your novel, the Ill-mannered Door. Is it a steamy romance?

No, but there is a lonely widower, his cleaning woman, and some salacious handholding at one point. Fingers wrapped shamelessly around fingers... in public even! Terribly tawdry.

Interviewer: Any foul language?

Bloody hell makes an appearance or two while under duress, but otherwise... no.

Interviewer: Does it feature One Direction (*fingers crossed*)?

No, there's more than one, but it primarily has one direction: forward. It keeps moving forward.

Interviewer: This isn't fan fiction?

Oh, no, there's no fans to speak of, just lots of fiction.

Interviewer: Is it hard sci-fi?

No, but there are doors to other worlds, flying sailing ships, wormholes, swordfights, nuclear arms, human arms, blaster rifles, perils, and an intense struggle over footwear.

Interviewer: So it's steampunk?

Nope. The punks were rounded up by the police and the steam wasn't good for the electronics.

Interviewer: Huh, so--

Look, if I reveal anything more about the story, that would be telling. So you'll just have to risk enjoying the story by actually reading it. Thank you!
  • USA
  • انضمJuly 3, 2019

الرسالة الأخيرة
sfreader7 sfreader7 Aug 28, 2019 04:39PM
The Ill-mannered Door has just gone over one thousand reads. Thank you to everyone for reading!
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