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Hello ladies and gents. I'm all new with this Wattpad shit. I wanna try out my own stories. The one I'mma start now is called The House of Vamps. It's a book about vampires. Please check it out, vote, comment and critesize for me. I need to know how his goes. If this goes good, I will have a few other books also ready, as well as a series. Please check it out for me.


Thank you for following me! I see we have something in common: I love bunnies and tend to write it in my writings a lot. Sadly I haven’t found the courage to publish any yet. 
          Good luck to you in your writings~ 
          LnH’s  Joro-San 


No problem at all. Good to meet a fellow bunny lover. U should publish. Ull nevr know if ur a good writer if u keep ur work to urself! 


Hello!! Thanks for following me it really means a lot. And I see we have a lot in common.


No problem. Nd its true. We do hav some things in common :3