
Hey guys! 
          	I’m sooooooooo sorry for not posting for like a… long time! It’s just ideas come into my head in random areas I can’t write. So yh! But when it’s the summer holidays I’m going to write something every week hopefully! But I’m still going to write before the holidays bc it’s on July 22! So yh.. uhh pls promote my book pls but I’m not forcing and I reallllly want feedback pls and I kinda want someone to disagree with me like for fun?! IYKYK! Bai


Hey guys! 
          I’m sooooooooo sorry for not posting for like a… long time! It’s just ideas come into my head in random areas I can’t write. So yh! But when it’s the summer holidays I’m going to write something every week hopefully! But I’m still going to write before the holidays bc it’s on July 22! So yh.. uhh pls promote my book pls but I’m not forcing and I reallllly want feedback pls and I kinda want someone to disagree with me like for fun?! IYKYK! Bai


Hello guys! For the London election as the poll was yesterday, the winning teams were: 
          Labour Party 319 votes
          Conservatives 117 votes 
          Liberal Democrat 114 votes
          Independents and others 67 votes 
          Green 21 votes 
          Residents’ Associations 5 votes 
          Reform UK 0 votes 
          Of course the Labour Party won! What do you expect? Did you know the Green Party was Pro-Palestine that’s why no one barely voted for them! However the Labour party lost four short majorities on the council now; at least it’s better than nothing and their majority ppl. The sad thing is that they are still one of the biggest party’s on the council with 27 seats, so it will either still run or just be a minor party. So I will come back with more news after 4pm (London Time) since I have school. Bye!!!


Can I ask whoever is reading this a question? Why should we care about our siblings if they give hatred back to us? Why should we give love towards them and trust them if they always lying? And out parents why should they compare us to other kids if they didn't like it when they were younger? Why are parents always comparing us to others? It is like they expect us to be perfect and not argue or have attitude and except us to be a fair person in this world? Why can't they understand? This is why our world is messed up bc most parents don't let their kids do anything and all our emotions are stuck inside.? SO they expect us not to hate ourselves? Why should we hate ourselves? How many times do you hate ur self? Why? Why can't we have people we can just let our emotions out to without getting judged? Every minute someone is judging you for either ur religion, looks, personality, behavior and ect... Why can't this world love us for who we are? Who are we? Our worse selves are at secondary/high school era and our best selves are between 4-7?


That is so true thou and when they were a kid they said they behave soooo well apparently. When if u ask their parents they will disagree or you just know their lying to you bc no child is perfect! Everyone has anger issues, tantrums, hit people or do somewhat of something to upset someone. Your not always going to impress some people on life. That is why I gave up about thinking about how others judge me, I just impress myself. 


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@shadowfaxFORlife hmm. difficult, but I suppose perhaps the same things that can be done to a 4-7 yo when occur to a hormonal ball of angst and rage, the reaction is different. I mean, it's like they expect us to aCt lIkE a GrOwNuP bUt aLsO dOn'T eXpEcT tO bE aLloWeD tHe sAmE rEsPeCt aS a gRoWnUp beCAuSE yOu'Re a kId! The double standards? the audacity!?! Are we not perfectly functioning human beings whom you are expecting to not frickin' FEEL EMOTIONS? How the fuck? are we supposed to be a rational human being when OUR ROLE MODELS ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU?!?!?


Hello guys!
          This world is messed up! Why should people  keep their opinions to themselves if they have something to say! YES I am aware of why people should keep their opinions to themselves but what am I suppose to do if they eat like an animal or if they annoy me I apparently can't do it back to them. Why is life not fair and I know my opinions going to change time to time but sometimes I wish I lived in a different home or not even be born!


 Yh I have 5 all under the age of 13


@shadowfaxFORlife lemme guess. you have a sibling?