
Okay, so Harry Styles is such a babe. But so Niall Horan. <3 <3 
          	 #SignOfTheTimes ^_^  #ThisTown ^_^
          	<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 


I'm thinking of writing a new story, but i feel like i'm already so behind with the one that i have now. I just have major writers block. *sigh* 
          I'm thinking of bringing the Mending trilogy back because recently I've had more ideas with those books then i have with TOT. Think it would be a good idea? Please let me know what you guys think. Even though this books are from my imagination, i write them for your enjoyment. Also, if you get the chance you guys should check out The Heartbreaker Chronicles by Fallzswimmer and Remember To Forget by _smilelikeniall. (The wattpad version is a fanfic about Luke Hemmings but its still great.) I promise you guys wont be disappointed if you love teen fiction.


@_Klutz17_ Oh okay. I am in the same boat as you.


@cooldude1984 Yeah, I'm just not sure how to format it. I want it to be something people will actually read and enjoy.


@_Klutz17_ Okay. Do you have any idea what you want to write about?


Honest opinion, which of the two stories I have planned for the Wattys should I actually keep in the Wattys? It's really hard working on two stories for it. 
          The Castor Legacy 
          The Sin That Loved
          Please comment which one you vote for. 


Guess what guys!!!! I'm bringing back a new and improved Captivity. I really miss writing that bundle of SciFantasy so I don't care what people think. I love it, and I miss my character Colin, I had so much planned for him. 
          I'm still allowed to use the graphic you made me right? @Aphrodite270 
          I love it so much. ^_^


Yes absolutely!


The Castor Legacy is back in my writing schedule and guess what everyone, I've entered it into the Wattys. I know it's just beginning still, but over the next few weeks, I plan on writing until my hand falls off every time I get a chance. I have so much planned for this story that I hope you guys will stick with me to the end. 
          If you're new to reading it, please thank the wonder cover designer @Aphrodite270 for the beautiful cover. 
          I hope everything goes well, and you enjoy this journey with me! 
          Love, Beth <3