
Dang, I haven't really been active on here have I? I'm sorry, I'll try to be more active on here from now on.
          	That being said, I'm open to rp as long as I know the fandom (if we use one) and it's 16+, it can be on here in the pm's or I can give you my discord in a pm.


Dang, I haven't really been active on here have I? I'm sorry, I'll try to be more active on here from now on.
          That being said, I'm open to rp as long as I know the fandom (if we use one) and it's 16+, it can be on here in the pm's or I can give you my discord in a pm.


Thanks Shadowstreaker for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  on to your reading list. OK that's a bit odd thanking you for that but it feels like a real vote of confidence  and I can't tell you how good that feels. but as new authors always get a buzz every time someone comes across our work. . 
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener It was no problem! I really like you story!


since no one seemed to like this story my friend and I decided to take reality falls down, we will publish it again with more chapters and if no one likes it we will take it down FOREVER!


You need to give the book time to spread, don't forget that! I know that there are plenty of Gravity Falls fans on Wattpad, so don't forget to use tags in your books!