
Planning on writing a SP fanfic. Well, not as much planning, more just me spouting ideas onto paper.
          	And though I know it may never come to light ever, stick around. I might just surprise myself.


Planning on writing a SP fanfic. Well, not as much planning, more just me spouting ideas onto paper.
          And though I know it may never come to light ever, stick around. I might just surprise myself.


@sassy-pants I like the sound of that, it's a tad lonely on here at times.


Yes!!  I’m in the process of planning one too...we should bring back the SP fanfic popularity lmao


You ever pick up a pen to start writing only to let it just kinda stay suspended above the paper for more than what one would deem a few seconds?
          Yeah, I'm having one of those days.
          Atleast my pointless margin scribbles look somewhat professional.


I'm moving on from all of the bad voodoo this year brought and I'm focusing on the best parts of it. I admit that I've kinda neglected this account and it's unfinished books, but maybe I'll come back to it. In the meantime, I'm always happy to talk to people on here, and I'd like to build a little community on here, it been so cold and lonely on here, as of late. Pm me if you wish to chat xx


          Sorry for the unexpected hiatus. I don't have an explanation for such, but I'll be sure to be more active and update more frequently. BUT about that updating thing, well... Books will be pulled down, as I've lost the plot of them after being off for so long. Um, another reason for my books to be trashed is because of the immense disgust and embarrassment I felt from looking over them. It was as if I had just thrown trash onto a page and thrown it at you all. I didn't use punctuation, there were multiple grammar issues and the story wasn't progressing. That really annoyed me. These books will be updated by older, more functional me. They won't just be average, I will make sure that my work is of greater standard. Enough f*cking around! 
          The old me is dead. And so is her legacy.
          Now it's my turn.