
I am currently working on a new novel. I will start uploading once I at least have 5 chapters ready :)


✨So I know I was going to finish completing my book, BUT I have decided to change it up from the original story line I'd come up with. I think I'm going to make two parts to IFILWMBF. Or I'm going to extend the book to 35 chapters in total instead of 30. We shall see. New chapter coming out this week! Keep any eye out! Have yourselves a wonderful day lovelies! ✨


Just wanna say a quick thank you to my followers for showing such great interest in my books! I am so grateful for everyone who has been reading and supporting my books! Especially to IFILWMBF! ✨ So very grateful! As for those of you wondering when the next part will be out because you all are so eager to get to the end of this book ahah, it shall be out tomorrow! So keep your notifications on! I will be posting another chapter. As for the remaining little bit. I’m still working on it so please do be patient and continue supporting me! Have yourself a wonderful night lovelies! ✨


Been a while since I have updated my book, I know you guys are waiting for the next chapter. I apologize that it is taking so long, I have been very busy currently, but hopefully a new chapter for one of the books will be coming out soon. <3 Make sure to have your notifications turned on


Enjoy the next chapter of IFILWMBF! lemme know your thoughts on the next part <3 
          Thank you so much for all the love! Keep showing the love and support towards my books. Make sure to follow for updates on the books.