
Honestly, you know what? I have nothing better to do. Maybe I should just speed run posting Nightingale lol. Going back and forth every week to upload one chapter at specific time of week is just a hassle, so I'm just gonna upload it in a span of a few days.


heya amazing hooman! thank you for checking out Neptunic Rings! ^~^ have a beautiful day/night!




@Sarngy you're welcome any time, sweetheart<3


TWT youre soooo nice oh mai gawd thank you!✨


Honestly, you know what? I have nothing better to do. Maybe I should just speed run posting Nightingale lol. Going back and forth every week to upload one chapter at specific time of week is just a hassle, so I'm just gonna upload it in a span of a few days.


Okay, surprisingly, I have only one chapter left untouched for Nightingale. So, I will post it today. The book itself will be the first book of a trilogy--the other two books are not yet exactly planned. The chapters will be uploaded one by one, perhaps one chapter a week. If more people are reading, I will upload two chapters per week. The idea was in my mind since I was 14 or 15 and I love it a lot. So, I hope that people would also love them. See you later!


Hi! It's been years (literally). I myself am not quite sure why I left this account in the first place. Perhaps I lost passion. And then, I lost access to this account.
          On 2017, I tried to make a new account only to write--which I also neglected, and I lost that account again. On 2020, I made a new account. But then, somehow I regain access to this account again so I closed my third account and will come back here.
          I have a few projects that I'm working on slowly and surely. So, expect some little projects! My plan for myself is at least working 3/4 of the stories before actually slowly posting my stories here--as to prevent from me neglecting them again.
          I hope I can redeem myself. Cheers!
          And anyway, the next story I'm going to upload is called Nightingale! I hope I can start posting it within a week or so.


oke HUHUHU ujung2nya aku nyelesain Amnesia terus NANGIS LAGIIII  goblok emang wqwqwqwq jadi sedih dah w :( maaf ya kayaknya dulu itu aku gaberani nyelesain karena sedih + bab yang aku hold itu bab smut deh ,, maaf ya ,, makasi semua see u


The first thing I'm uploading on this account is Shape of Love. The language is Indonesian. Draft nya sendiri udah jadi sejak tahun 2017-an. Karena nggak tau mesti diapain, makanya aku upload ke sini. Ini first draft yang sampai sekarang belum diedit dan aku bikin pas SMA, jadi menurut aku sih cringey banget wkwk tapi aku gamau naskahnya sendiri berlumut di laptop. Mending lumutan di wattpad walau malu2in daripada di laptop wkwk.


Also, meski naskahnya sendiri udah jadi, aku nggak akan post langsung kesepuluh parts nya. Aku akan upload sekitar 2 parts per minggu. Selain itu, ini nggak diedit karena: 1) malu banget bacanya asli, dan 2) aku ada project lain yang pengen banget aku selesaiin.


Hello, I came back. I am planning to slowly get back to this account and writing. Perhaps, because I feel like I have nowhere to unleash my stories. I am no longer working on any fanfiction, I am so very sorry. I debated whether to delete the stories I had up previously on this account or not, but I decided to leave it be. I hope I can be a little bit more active again here.