
Hey my people!!! So may have noitced i dropped off the face of the earth. Nut now im back. So. Something i would like to work on is a shedual for my stories. This is roughly how its going to go. Hopefully i can keep it up (\(*<>*)/)
          	Another Dragon Mating Season:
          	Wensdays and Sundays. 
          	My Demon Daughter(which is coming to an end.)
          	My Wounded lover & Shikon College
          	New story 0w0(not gonna tell you :3)
          	Yusei's lil sis & Garra and his love.
          	This sheduale depends on a few things. Family stuffs. School and if i have insperation. If you notice i didnt update it means im having writers block on that story. Feel free to shoot my some ideas. Thank you all for putting up with my absencnse. And if i forgpt a stpry it woll more than likely be updateted on fridays or saturdays. Thank again my peeps. Im gonan try and follow this sheduale. Saturday will be my writing day where i start or writw these and then post on there respective day. Thanks!! ❤❤❤


Hey my people!!! So may have noitced i dropped off the face of the earth. Nut now im back. So. Something i would like to work on is a shedual for my stories. This is roughly how its going to go. Hopefully i can keep it up (\(*<>*)/)
          Another Dragon Mating Season:
          Wensdays and Sundays. 
          My Demon Daughter(which is coming to an end.)
          My Wounded lover & Shikon College
          New story 0w0(not gonna tell you :3)
          Yusei's lil sis & Garra and his love.
          This sheduale depends on a few things. Family stuffs. School and if i have insperation. If you notice i didnt update it means im having writers block on that story. Feel free to shoot my some ideas. Thank you all for putting up with my absencnse. And if i forgpt a stpry it woll more than likely be updateted on fridays or saturdays. Thank again my peeps. Im gonan try and follow this sheduale. Saturday will be my writing day where i start or writw these and then post on there respective day. Thanks!! ❤❤❤


 ok so you guys may have noticed that iam not updateing as much as I use too, well I'll give you one word.
          School -_- yes school has come back to haunt me and its ruthless, also iam am on something with my freinds so there's another distraction, ugh, if I don't update a story and your just dying to read more XP. just comment and I'll hopefully get a chap in. thanks guys to all my followers and my fans, *gives you all hugs* you guys are my inspiration I love you all.


@jellotaku hehe thanks I am also a Naruto,SAO,Fairytail, YuGiOh, and a couple others I can't think. f right now hehe. THANKS JELLO