
On my main account, my story got short listed for Wattys 2018 which is pretty exciting and such an honor! If you want to check out the story:✓


Hey, where's the sequel of 'She's the man'?


@EllieWatson1D haha I had seen you added my book from my newer account and saw you followed this account so I logged into this account and saw you left me a message :) 
            Thank you so much for reading the book, it really means a lot to me. I guess you'll just have to wait and find out what happens!


@EllieWatson1D Oh, I didn't realize you'll actually reply. I mean your last convo was almost 3 years ago. Anyway, thanks for the information and it doesn't matter that you wrote it 7 years ago, I am loving the story. I am in a final moment of the book. Tristan saw Keith and Kat together and I am so excited to read further but then again I don't want to because I don't want to know what happens. Does that make sense? I want to know what happens but I'm scared to find out. Loved the book


@EllieWatson1D It starts right after the epilogue of She's the Man (btw I wrote that story like 7 years ago haha


"She's the Man" and its sequel, "It's a Guy/Girl Thing" was written when I was barely fourteen-years-old. I was so immature, copied lingo that was popular amongst my classmates, and didn't stop and think about what certain words and phrases really mean.
          I went through every chapter and just control F specific hurtful words that I knew I used to say easily many many years ago. I am ashamed for using those words and now nearly 8 years later, I'm much smarter than that and I write better. So, if you see random updates of the story on your timeline right now, it's because I substituted words with better words. 
          Sorry once again and to prove to you that I'm not that immature person, you can check out my writing in my other account, @YesenaRudeen 
          Yesena Rudeen (now a twenty-three-year-old writer)


Hey everyone! I just wanted to let my followers know that I do not use this account anymore. If you did like my stories and would like more of it, please go to YesenaRudeen where I posted my new story and already has about 19 chapters:
          I think you'll enjoy it considering I'm a lot better at writing compared to the one you saw at "She's the Man" book. Thanks!


Hiya...xXx...How are you??
          Ahaha i knw we do sound  like twins tht means u must b awesome cs we hav so much in common lol and awweeh thanks same goes 4 yooh =) btw love ur display pic 4 its a guy/girl thing, i love the last song and selena gomez =) 
          Yuppp..i literally looooooooved ur book at first i ws lyk its gnna b the exact copy of "She's the Man" frm the movie but once i read it i realised it ws diff and i jus fell in love wiv ur characters literally =)  uv gt talent, ur writing skills are amaaazing im soooo gna read ur ova stories =)
          btw MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!