
lay with me for a moment? i miss you.


            * Ace was... the dog... the cat? He really wasn't sure. Knowing Daisy and her kind heart, it was quite possible she had adopted a hyena. Or a bear. It was hard to say for sure * Well Ace is just going to have to learn share because you're my pillow first and foremost.


* a smile of her own formed on her lips, wrapping her arms around him in almost the same fashion, though hers was a bit more controlled. *  i make the best pillow, thank you very much! even ace agrees.. at least i think so, anyway. he cuddles with me quite often.


            Then a ridiculous amount of cuddles you shall get * with a wide grin, he lowered himself onto the ground beside her, flinging his arms around the brunette woman * You also make a really good pillow.