
/. crying hi i wanna be active on him :runs:


⠀゛ i'm here ! ゛⠀ announced the oni in a surprisingly normal manner as he pranced over to where the two agreed to meet up .⠀ ゛ hope ya weren't waitin' long ! ゛


@mushikenkas ,,
            the commissioner raised an eyebrow at the other , but did not attempt to question it any further . he grabbed the lunch box from the oni ; curious eyes lingered at the bento . he opened the box just slightly and took a peek ; the smell of the delicious lunch made his stomach rumble . “well lets not waste time any further , you must be quite hungry .”


゛ ahaha ─ ⠀ahem ! ゛⠀ the oni cleared his throat ,⠀ wishing to avoid the topic of his frequent arrest .⠀ ゛ knock yerself out ,⠀ bro ,⠀ we're gonna have a blast around inazuma and i don't need ya faintin' in fatigue ! ゛⠀ he said ,⠀ putting the other box in the commissioner's extended hand .


@mushikenkas ,,
            “ah , that friend of yours who always bail you out right ?” he inquired , holding out a hand for itto to give the bento box . “as long as its food , i really don’t mind . in fact , it smells rather delicious .”


⠀the oni had been sporting a pout the whole time ,⠀head hung low in boredom as he watched over the little movements of the bug set before him on the tree stump .⠀for sure ,⠀he had gotten the time right⠀ ╱ this time ╱⠀ , ⠀hell ─ he had even asked shinobu about the time .⠀he was definitely going to give the blue - haired man a piece of his mind ,⠀through friendly battle of course .⠀ though his somewhat grudg-y thought was only there for a split second ,⠀immediately replaced with an instinctive excitement when footsteps were heard near .⠀could it be ?⠀゛aniki? ゛⠀itto calls out in a joyful tune as he looks up ,⠀hoping that he does not have to wait much longer .


it wasn't hard to stay positive after a loss ,⠀ it was all fun and games after all ,⠀ though a different kind of loss was a different topic .⠀ itto watched the gentle handlings towards the beetle and chuckled ,⠀ letting his own put itself back on its legs .⠀ ゛ gg ,⠀ ayato .⠀ i'll train him good alright ! ゛⠀ he grinned .⠀ ゛if i ever did win ,⠀ it'd still be thanks to you since you're giving me helpful words even now . ゛


@mushikenkas ,,
             “you certainly talk loud for someone who’s beetle lost the fight .” ayato let out an airy chuckle , admiring itto’s positivity . he surely would want some of that positivity to himself . he scooped up kobayashi gently with his teo hands , careful not to hit the beetle a bit too hard . “i have to say , that was quite the fight indeed . maybe if you train your little whopping warrior a bit more , you’d win ? who knows . gg , itto .”


no matter what pep talk he'd give down to the bug ,⠀ there was no helping what was already a sure loss .⠀ even itto knew when and when not to give up ...⠀ most of the time .⠀ but even when his little fighter had been toppled over ,⠀ itto's spirit remained as fired up as ever ,⠀ and he'd laugh up to his friend as he chimed .⠀ ゛ looks like you win again ,⠀ aniki !⠀ but i was getting SO close to beating you that time ,⠀ kobayashi better up his game or else i'm gonna find a true warrior that'll beat his butt one of these days ! ゛


you cooked this meat . . . ?  it is very good . .


cook?  razor can make . . .  hash browns.  they're probably not the best,  though . . .


            alright , i'll keep that in mind !!          [  she grinned at the other , making note of his words .  ]          do you know how to cook anything ?  :0


no green stuff.  green stuff for animals.  i eat animals.  *  the wolf boy explained and then nodded in agreement at her words.  *


aghhhh..    what's  taking  you  so  long??   i'm  hungry!!


            WAIT FOR IT !!!  >>:(((


BUT  I'M  HUNGRY!!!  ]:<  


            LET ME MAKE MY FOOD IN PEACEEE  >:(( !!