
          Hey buddy!
          I hope you are doing well.
          Sorry for spamming your profile, but please do check out my new story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          This story is more on a realistic side, which hopefully you will connect to!



Hello there.Don't know whether you take reading requests or not,but if you do then would like to recommend you my book 'Our Disconnected Love Story' if you have some free time.Hope I haven't intruded in your private space.Thankyou. 


Hi there hon! Thank you for adding my story to your reading list! I hope you will enjoy reading it! If you do then don't forget to drop in your comments and votes! Follow me for my regular updates! Try my other books too! Happy Reading! ❤


Hii, I hope you're doing well.If you have time please check out my book - You...Complete Me , it's a cross country love story. It's about how they meet and also their marriage life( American doctor - Simple Indian girl)

          I'll appreciate you to take a look and comment.Thanks in advance.


@-_Anamika_-  already reading it dear