
I will close this account. More updates more story, just follow my new account @sehunshi_ 
          	Thanks everyone for 32.2K readers for "I want you to stay" story. Thanks for your support. hopefully u guys will support me on my new account na . ehehehehee


hello guys. I'm mira admin kepada acc ni dan juga penulis cerita "I want you to stay" . First of all, i really really sorry cause dah lama tak update story2 saya. I know some of u be like "kenapa tk update?" "tkkan dh tknk buat dh" and else. Jadi disini sekali lagi saya nk mintak maaf sbb tk update sekian lama nya. I have my own reason. Reason dia bukan sebab malas, tk de idea dn lain2. Tbh, saya buat story2 ni pun just for fun je tapi tk sangka pulak ramai yg baca . Terima kasih yang sudi membaca yg vote dan yg suka story saya i appreciate it . Story ni akan saya update, tapi saya akan update dekat acc baru sebab acc ni dh tk ingat password  . So cerita dekat acc @shunsehun_ ni, akan saya delete dan saya create balik dekat acc yang baru nanti. So hopefully u guys bole faham na thanks for reading this. Acc baru, nanti saya bagi  have a nice day guys!