
Hiya cuties! Just wanted to make a quick post about my Ran x Reader story. I've decided to unpublish it only for a short time as I rename and change a few things with it so uploads for it will be on hold for a little bit. Thank you for understanding  Love Error<3


Hiya cuties! Just wanted to make a quick post about my Ran x Reader story. I've decided to unpublish it only for a short time as I rename and change a few things with it so uploads for it will be on hold for a little bit. Thank you for understanding  Love Error<3


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Just jumping on to wish all my lovely friends (yes including you cutie ;) you're so cute:] ) a Happy New Years. Manifesting that 2022 is an amazing year for all you guys <3 Remember to stay safe if you're out partying. If you're of legal drinking age and you've had a few, PLEASE call an Uber, Lyft, or a trusted friend or family member to get you home safe. I love all of you <3


So for anyone that actually reads these and has/is reading my scream fan fiction, I have chosen to take down the book and start the LONNNNGGGG process of rewriting the entire thing. Please remember that the changes will be made slowly since I'm rewriting a 16 chapter story but hopefully you guys will like it better :] 
          Stay safe <3


          I hope these few days have been good for you. I also hope you realise that there are soooooooo many  people loving you anywhere at anytime. 
          I hope this would at least make you smile :)
          I love you ♡


Aww❤️ hi bunny! Thanks for the positive message and helping me smile through this crazy time. I hope you know the same goes for you. I love you too❤️ Stay safe Bunny :)


Soooo.... this is one of the first times I'm probably ever going to post a message but I'm going to be taking down my Scream fan fiction. I have noticed that over the time of reading and rereading it I absolutely hate it. So I'm going to be taking it down and completely rewriting it. I hope you guys are excited for this so stay tuned :)