
The thing in my heart is killing me, yet there’s nothing I can do about it but hold it in my deep down inside heart.


@silver_bangtanffs Hello there! First of all, I'm sending you a big virtual hug. Please don't worry, everything is going to be alright. I want to remind you of the quote, "strangers are the best people to talk to; they don't judge." Sometimes, strangers can be good listeners like me! You can talk to me anytime you want via dm and I'll be there for you. Also, please don't stress yourself too much, as it can cause hair fall [ fukat ki advice]. Remember to stay happy and have a good day. And always keep in mind that you can talk to me anytime without any fear of being judged & u better return the hug!!


@silver_bangtanffs    its better to share anything with a stranger rather than a close one or hiding it 


@silver_bangtanffs sometimes we all have a lot of to say ,but we all can say only :oh ,okay ,I understand...


Does anyone know what happened to her is she okay. Anyone please reply


@doyouknowiaminnocent ohh that's serious hope she is fine and doing good even though she stopped the series it's okay atleast if we know she is okay it's enough. Hope she is doing fine


@CherryCherry653521 she is not even in Instagram,maybe something happened, otherwise she would at least tell us to wait...Or give us spoilers


Hello author, u really write amazing stories and u are best .
          But if u really do not have time to write or to complete your stories so just leave your this hobbies and even you do not get money for this work ( as u said many times) . So please either update or tell us u have no time for writing so that I can stop waiting for your updates .


@mysticaldimplesz don't be rude ,she has reasons too not to update ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥwe don't know her side story ..Wait a little bit.. That's what we all are doing...