
anybody else gets themselves horny by writing smut 


hello! i will be accepting chapter request for my wandanat one shots! just dm me your promt!
          things i will not do:
          -rape (dubious consent will be accepted tho)
          -bottom Nat/top Wanda (i just dont like it)
          -underage - adult parring
          -heterosexual sex


my english teacher called a meeting to tell the other teachers, secretary and director about my name change and my pronouns and also to explain why i have to absent myself at least a once every 2 week. 
          now my documents have a note saying my right name and pronouns 


Today my friend made me realize that I’m in love with someone (a white girl) who’s ancestors tortured and killed mine (indigenous people) 
          I am an insult to my ancestors and community my ancestors are probably shaming me right now 


@Potato_muderer i- my friends are gonna be really disappointed in me now. i can hear both my grandfathers yelling at me now 


@simpingformilf sweets I have German in me. My ancestors tortured and killed a lot of people.