
Don’t really know how or when this happened but thanks for 200 followers !!


I’ve mentioned it before, but I live in Hawaii. And while it may seem like I’m bragging, that’s the last thing I want to do right now. I live 22 miles away from where 10 lava fissures have cracked open the roads and erupted, prompting evacuation from the area and a closure of the volcano national park. I live in constant fear of a fissure opening any closer to my home, or to any of my friends homes. I physically shake with terror that at times I can’t tell if there’s an earthquake or it’s just me shaking. I go to school and am told everything’s fine as a 6.9 magnitude quake shakes us all, the water lapping out of the pool where they have gathered us, the roof above the bleachers shaking so violently. My friend shaking and sobbing in my arms because her dad isn’t responding and her mind is thinking of all the worst scenarios. Our school ripped apart, buildings with visible cracks on the floors and walls, roofs caved in, but it’s all fine because civil defense can’t contact the school right now, a new eruption is occurring. It’s fine because we don’t know it’s a 6.9 until almost an hour later because some of their equipment was down and they hade to get it running again. Finding out that it wasn’t just a 6.9, but  rather a 6.9, followed by 4 more earthquakes ranging from 4-5 magnitude and that’s why it’s just kept on shaking for so long.
          So yeah, I’m trying to update, but I have a lot to deal with right now.


I’m literally just some random kid from Hawaii who does debate and plays sea battle with my friends constantly. Don’t be afraid to message me, Ive been told I’m like a therapist and am always here, whether you need advice or just want to chat


I want to get back into updating and writing, but I apologize once again for my absence and inconsistency. Please, if I disappear for a little while and your waiting for an update, message me. Even the littlest nudge helps me find motivation.


Hello. Sorry I’ve been so inactive lately, I feel as if I owe an apology to y’all. Lately I haven’t had any motivation to write or do anything. As I had announced, I was going to the state tournament for debate. Unfortunately, my partner got so stressed out they canceled on me and now I’m unable to go compete. This was something I was looking forward to the whole season and this really hit me hard. I became extremely inactive and closed off, both online and in real life. It got to the point where my distress and distance was so noticeable, and my teachers were pulling me aside after class to check up on me. Sad part is, my friends didn’t notice. They saw how distanced I was, and only really talked to me when they needed advice or someone to by their consular. My family hasn’t been helping either and the constant pressure for success from them doesn’t help at all. I want to get back into updating and writing, but I apologize once again for my absence and inconsistency.