
Don't let the small things bring you down. They're small for a reason and don't even come matter as much as how far you've gotten. Be strong. Stay focused. And keep moving forward.


I posted this same thing t the end of My Brother, The Hunter but I had to send it directly to u because I feel it is important. I loved the book so much. I was up and down with it. Almost crying at some points and almost quitting all together, but I had to know how it ended. I red all through the day just to know.  Good thing my classes weren't doing anything to important. I read the whole book in a day because I couldn't put it down. Thank you for writing such a great book.  


My year has been chaotic and I just wanted to go in advance here and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe one too. I probably won't be able to say it tomorrow so I'll say it in advance. Anyways guys keep reading keep being amazing and dream. Till next time.


Merry Christmas guys. Happy Holidays. Hope you guys had a great Christmas Eve and an amazing Christmas Day hope New years is even better anyways I want to just thank you all for being such amazing readers, fans, supporters, and a family. I say family because that is what Wattpad is.... we are more than just a community we are a family who supports one and other and who stand by each other. I am especially thankful to those who have been with me in my ups and downs and who have been supportive of me. Thank you all so much. Have an amazing day and an incredible 2014. Anything is possible if you set your heart and mind on it. Don't give up on your dreams. Ever. XOXO


I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything new for you guys it's just I've been telling myself I'm too busy catching up with school that in reality I'm just lost. Lately I haven't been feeling myself and I felt like I need some time away from everything, because if I try to write something for you guys it will just be really bad and it will probably just reflect my problems and my feelings and I don't want anyone's pity so I hope you all understand I will try my hardest to maybe have something up in the upcoming weeks if possible sorry guys. And thanks for being so supportive and patient with me love you all so much.