
Hi! How are all of you? I don't know if it's just because it's the start of our semester but I think I can update now every month? How do all of you like an update for Warming Your Winter? I want to publish Driver's License but I want to think about the story really hard. I want to publish a jenkook story but I don't know. Maybe I'll just make a new acc since all of you are expecting a taennie stories.


Hi! How are all of you? I don't know if it's just because it's the start of our semester but I think I can update now every month? How do all of you like an update for Warming Your Winter? I want to publish Driver's License but I want to think about the story really hard. I want to publish a jenkook story but I don't know. Maybe I'll just make a new acc since all of you are expecting a taennie stories.


Just got finish writing for my update tomorrow. The update was really suppose to be last night but then my prof gives as an activity that will be pass before midnight so yeah. I'll just read if tomorrow to check it there's some errors. Goodnight luvs! 


I'm sorry to say, but I won't be able to update for this week. School's been kinda busy, especially that my out prof keep giving us plates to do... But anyway, yeah. I have so many school works on my hand right now so I can't update for now. Plus, I am also working so I can't really find any time to write. But I'll see if I can have some free time to write on next Saturday and Sunday. That's all that I want to say. And don't forget to stream our Lili's solo!!! Happy birthday also to our Namjooniee! Stay safe and take care luvs <3


It may take a while, but I hope you can wait. I'm still on the process of planning every chapter of WYW. I decided that I will publish it first than Drivers License, since I'm thinking of having a book 1 about it. Anyway, I hope you can wait for the next update.. Hopefully next update will be on next week. Have a great day loves :) And don't forget to support our Lili on her solo!