
Hi, I'm not dead ww. Although considering how busy I am with work I might as well be lawl.
          	Anyways just wanted to say, since I couldn't seem to finish any of the in-progress requests for the LL/SxFemReader book, I wrote another book instead wwwww. It's a short 3 chapters and is completely finished so if you want some Aqours third-years angst, that book will hopefully fulfill that need. Hope you enjoy it! Ah, and hope you're having a good day/night/etc as well~!
          	- Skye :3


Hi, I'm not dead ww. Although considering how busy I am with work I might as well be lawl.
          Anyways just wanted to say, since I couldn't seem to finish any of the in-progress requests for the LL/SxFemReader book, I wrote another book instead wwwww. It's a short 3 chapters and is completely finished so if you want some Aqours third-years angst, that book will hopefully fulfill that need. Hope you enjoy it! Ah, and hope you're having a good day/night/etc as well~!
          - Skye :3


this message may be offensive
So uh, dunno if you guys saw the update from my book but yeah, hi, I'm more or less back! 
          Full disclosure, I know I've been a shit-head for just up and disappearing so let's get that part out of the way, and if that's completely unforgivable in your eyes that's fair, and I take responsibility for that and failing expectations and all that good stuff.
          So! "What now?" is the question right? 
          Weeeelllll, aside from updating the book and getting all like, around 50 requests I have pending completed, I still have /MANY/ drafts of stories/books I have saved and stuff sooooooo, well, once the book is up-to-date and I'm able to accept requests for it again, I was thinking of maybe publishing some of those drafts or something....? We'll see how updates go first, but yeah, things are kinda up in the air for now so uh, as I've heard the saying goes, "the sky's the limit", or whatever the cliche is. But yeah. I'm hoping for the best wwww
          - Skye ^^


Long time no...update? 
          Hahah, I'm so sorry guys, I've been busier than I expected, so I haven't been able to really sit down and write something out...
          I'm on break from school now until late September, I believe, but I have a bunch of friends from other places visiting and stuff and I have to like, meet up and hang with them, so I'm unsure how often I'll be able to update, but I swear I'll try! 
          Also, in the time I've been away it seems I've passed 100 followers...omfg guys, you all deserve like, a thousand cookies or something! Like I promised before I'll do something special, which will tie into this thing I was apparently tagged in so, look forward to that, if you're interested!
          Again, I'm so sorry I've been gone!! If you've read this whole thing, have a free hug from me~
          - Skye (´ω`)


Hmm, I'm getting pretty close to 100 followers...
          Should I do anything special when I hit 100? Maybe something you guys want? In the chance you think of something you can let me know~~ idk, I just feel like I should do something once I reach 100 followers.


@skyekurohoshi its alright!! Your stories are enough :)


Hello! :3
          So I'm just letting you guys know that tomorrow (11PM JST) I'll be closing the poll for which story you guys want to see first! So if you haven't voted, please go ahead and click this link:  
          Whatever wins will probably be up around next week if not sooner, and by this weekend I should have whatever story I've been working on up, so look forward to that!
          - Skye \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////


Good luck Author-chan! 


You guys should randomly converse with me more often, on any platform lol.
          I'm totally not saying this because I'm bored and occasionally feel lonely, nor am I doing this because I need something to do in class when I can't work on the stories lolololol. Totally not. Nope.
          This is also totally not an excuse to let you guys know that for now the Riko part 2 is in first place in that poll I asked you guys to take with the Erena reader close behind. cough( )cough
          ...Have a good *insert time of day here*~! (Also, have this free hug because you guys are awesome people~)


@skyekurohoshi AYE I GET FREE HUGGUHHHH  ̄ω ̄


Hey! So if you're reading this, you're probably following me, so for that thanks a bunch!
          I just wanted to let you guys know that updates for the LL/LLSS x fem!reader will slow down a bit for about a month since I'm kinda on vacation in my parent's home country until late March~
          While I will be working on the requests when I can, the fact is my internet here is not only unreliable, but moody, which is the main reason why updates will slow down, so I hope you'll all bear with me! And thanks for reading the book, btw!
          Hope you all have a wonderful day! じゃね!
          - Skye (`_´)ゞ


@Cana__Alberona__  aww thanks^^ Once my vacation is over it'll be back to my usual routine posts~


Have fun during your vacation! :D It's important to take breaks so enjoy your time :D We'll await for your return :D


@rinkurosawa15 thanks! I'll definitely need it, I think~