
This account has been here since 2016


I'm back!
          To anyone who missed me, I will tell you the most tragic tale...
          In short, I couldn't get logged into my email so I couldn't access my account, finally got back in today after months of trying.
          Yeah, not so glamorous, but hey. Not every story can be an epic.


Damn. I just realized I've been here for almost three years. That's... I dunno, pretty weird. Doesn't feel like its really been that long. 
          I remember back in the good days when roleplay was alive and I actually was a half-active writer. I kinda miss it, and kinda don't. Overall though, its been a LONG time. To those of you I've made friends with here, I can't express how happy it makes me to think we've been friends this long.


@Countess_Boudicca Thinking I could do that implies I have any sort of skill at being alive, so of course not.


Account update!
          I may actually be writing a story soon. Most likely NSFW (but not MLP, thank goodness). I would make a non-NSFW story, but every one of those I make gets completely ignored, so I'm just not going to XD. 
          It's still up in air as for is I will or not, but its a strong possibility. So if you get a nof soon about a story from me, thats what it is. And if you don't want to read NSFW, then ignore it completly, because you will be sorely disappointed.


Edit: Coming back to this and looking through my stuff makes me feel like a degenerate 


Seems like NSFW and views go hand in hand. And hence, my non-NSFW is being ignored 
          Feels bad
          P.S. If it links the story to this comment, it is a legitimate accident. It keeps pinning it no matter how many times I remake it without doing that.


Well, I finally got around to doing something on here. It isn't Warmachine like I had planned, but instead a reboot of my original intro to Wattpad. And for those who've been following me for a good while, let me answer your question; No, it isn't porn xP.
          I hope you guys read it, and share it with anyone you think may enjoy.
                 ~ Actually an author again


Edit: Didn't do that. Good job productive me!


Being honest though, this profile may yet see the spark of life! During my long absence, I have immersed myself in Privateer Press's wonderfully built world of Warmachine! And as with all I obsess about, I have obviously started role-playing and writing fanfics of it. Though since the games fanbase is so small, there really isn't any roleplaying to be done...
          But nonetheless, Slavey is back online and bringing life to this account again! As always, hit me up for roleplays, writing tips, or just casual chat.
               ~A revived writer


I used to, however I have dropped MLP as a whole, so not really anymore. 