
I haven’t slept well since I found out how much the prince dude from Shrek looks like Fionas mom:/


Why am I crying? Monster Highs creator confirmed he tried to get lgbt characters in the series but Mattel wouldn’t let him. He seriously had a whole story planned out for a gay couple and drops big hits in characters diaries that were meant to be gay. I’m fine I’m totally fine and not thinking about how much something like that would have helped little me I’m totally fine


@purplepotato55 dude I’m gonna join you, it makes me so mad


@-aziraphales Neighthan Rot was suppose to be gay. Along with Valentine who was suppose to have a love interest, there was a whole story line that looked amazing and the guy is mentioned in his diary. Those are the two that are confirmed!


Y’all ever wanna lose your faith look up Alec Lightwood stories and see all the people who think it’s okay to change his sexuality so they can put him with their shitty female oc


@sleepymantis I completely agree! I love Magnus and Alec's relationship and I hate when someone changes it. In my opinion, they're the best couple on the show!


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I try and be polite as possible because I hate being that person. But when it comes to white washing, glorify any kind of mental illness, and erasing someone’s sexuality I don’t give a shit I’ll call you out