
Drunk In LA
          	Beach House
          	Can't help seeking corners
          	Of dark and deadend roads
          	Where the drinks keep pouring down
          	And the candles keep me warm
          	Isolation tender
          	Something fragile coming soon
          	Skinny angels making eyes at cameras
          	Perched in every room
          	I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          	Left my heart out somewhere running
          	Wanting strangers to be mine
          	Memory's a sacred meat
          	That's drying all the time
          	On a hillside I remember
          	I am loving losing life
          	Strawberries in springtime
          	Pretty happy accidents
          	My awareness that I'm lucky
          	Rolling clouds over cement
          	Maybe there's a screenplay
          	Or a bathroom I can hide
          	Down the hallways of a high school
          	And the dances left behind
          	I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          	Left my heart out somewhere running
          	Wanting strangers to be mine
          	I would climb the Eiffel Tower
          	Write letters on the sky
          	How many turns it took to reach you
          	I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          	On a hillside I remember
          	I am loving losing life


Drunk In LA
          Beach House
          Can't help seeking corners
          Of dark and deadend roads
          Where the drinks keep pouring down
          And the candles keep me warm
          Isolation tender
          Something fragile coming soon
          Skinny angels making eyes at cameras
          Perched in every room
          I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          Left my heart out somewhere running
          Wanting strangers to be mine
          Memory's a sacred meat
          That's drying all the time
          On a hillside I remember
          I am loving losing life
          Strawberries in springtime
          Pretty happy accidents
          My awareness that I'm lucky
          Rolling clouds over cement
          Maybe there's a screenplay
          Or a bathroom I can hide
          Down the hallways of a high school
          And the dances left behind
          I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          Left my heart out somewhere running
          Wanting strangers to be mine
          I would climb the Eiffel Tower
          Write letters on the sky
          How many turns it took to reach you
          I had a good run playing horses in my mind
          On a hillside I remember
          I am loving losing life


Al momento, nella mia mente, risuona un eco d’inutilità disumano, tanto da farmi dubitare di tutto quello che ho tentato di fare in questo mese. La successione di eventi svoltasi durante la serata sembra solo volermi sfottere, ripensandoci. Quale mera soddisfazione otterrò provandoci?


Tu mi hai trattato come avevo previsto, dato che per me, inizialmente, eri solo un gioco, e Dio solo sa quanto vorrei che tu lo fossi ancora, invece vegeti nella mia testa, distorci il mio pensiero e lo indirizzi verso di te in ogni momento del giorno. Io non ti ho creduto quando me l’hai giurato, ma adesso penso che tu sia veramente una strega, perché non trovo altre spiegazioni logiche per giustificare tutto ciò.