
My heart is so absolutely broken regarding the news of JATP being cancelled. 
          	I want to thank the show for giving me so many beautiful memories. It has some of the most genuine cast members that I have ever gotten the pleasure to support. It taught me so many valuable lessons. The most valuable: be yourself and follow your dreams. They seem so simple, but they are infinitely important and wrongfully unlearned with age. 
          	It has given me an amazing friendship that I so deeply cherish. Many late nights of freaking out over Instagram lives, or the latest JATP news kept a smile on my face.
          	I want to thank Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie for being my best friends during a time where I felt so lost and alone. I feel as though our hearts will forever be connected. I love you. 
          	Thank you JATP for restoring my passions of music and writing. You saved me in more ways than I can name and I will be eternally grateful. 
          	Most of all, thank you all for reading my books. When I first published “an interesting little relationship” I never knew it would gain this much traction, let alone be read at all. I don’t know what the future holds for them, but rest easy knowing I will leave them up for you to reminisce. 
          	JATP, you will forever have a place in my heart. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll definitely keep telling my friends about you. 
          	with love,


@smm001 please excuse the ss part


@smm001 I also miss ss the show


My heart is so absolutely broken regarding the news of JATP being cancelled. 
          I want to thank the show for giving me so many beautiful memories. It has some of the most genuine cast members that I have ever gotten the pleasure to support. It taught me so many valuable lessons. The most valuable: be yourself and follow your dreams. They seem so simple, but they are infinitely important and wrongfully unlearned with age. 
          It has given me an amazing friendship that I so deeply cherish. Many late nights of freaking out over Instagram lives, or the latest JATP news kept a smile on my face.
          I want to thank Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie for being my best friends during a time where I felt so lost and alone. I feel as though our hearts will forever be connected. I love you. 
          Thank you JATP for restoring my passions of music and writing. You saved me in more ways than I can name and I will be eternally grateful. 
          Most of all, thank you all for reading my books. When I first published “an interesting little relationship” I never knew it would gain this much traction, let alone be read at all. I don’t know what the future holds for them, but rest easy knowing I will leave them up for you to reminisce. 
          JATP, you will forever have a place in my heart. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll definitely keep telling my friends about you. 
          with love,


@smm001 please excuse the ss part


@smm001 I also miss ss the show




happy one year anniversary to JATP! 
          this show will always have a special place in my heart and has completely changed my life.
          I’m so thankful for the show and for all of you! Without JATP I wouldn’t have all of you! Thank you for reading my work! 
          i meant to post earlier but the day kinda got away from me 
          i love u guys ❤️

