
tired, as always, I'm actually gonna be productive and try to fix up the artbook (because it looks shitty) by making new art for it and deleting the old gross stuff. So hopefully it won't look so bad. My art has improved greatly, and looks a lot better. Don't mind any slightly disturbing drawings, as I draw depending on my mood (usually angry, happy, or upset). If you are reading this, thank you for your time, and have a nice day


tired, as always, I'm actually gonna be productive and try to fix up the artbook (because it looks shitty) by making new art for it and deleting the old gross stuff. So hopefully it won't look so bad. My art has improved greatly, and looks a lot better. Don't mind any slightly disturbing drawings, as I draw depending on my mood (usually angry, happy, or upset). If you are reading this, thank you for your time, and have a nice day


          I'm suuuper late, but thanks for the follow! :) Happy new year!


@sneakyninjapanther6 No worries! Happy 2020! :)


@Naydra17  ah, I guess I am very late as well haha, happy-late-new years!