
Hi @snowlight_moon if you will look in the truth or dare book I made ( @My-Random-Self) thare should be a chat with part of the next chapter along with an explanation of why I'm back on (i forgot to say that I'm on a different account I forgot my password and my email was changed) but I thought I should let you know. Missed you! Hope you are back on soon! 


I’m working on some chapters but I’m been busy with school but they should be out this week also have you read my new chowing if I won’t let you go again 


Hay @snowlight_moon i hope you don't mind but i suggested you im my thing what ever it is called. let me know if that is ok! look on my platform thing and you should see it. 


Do you know when you will be about to do the next chapter of The Hollow story @snowlight_moon? Im so excited for it!!! 


@snowlight_moon ok thank you SO MUCH!!! I understand I have some school work to do as well. lol. 


@thollower yeah soon tomorrow or tonight I been busy with homework and school