
this message may be offensive
Chapter 14.5 is posted as promised! I hope you all are having a great weekend! Here’s a snippet:
          	Fear gripped Eira as the realization sank in—she was alone, and without her powers, she was totally, and utterly royally screwed. 
          	As the Hindoloth continued towards her, she couldn't help but curse, "Oh, shit."


@NikolaJHuizen it was unpublished! I didn't even realize it was. Thanks for the messages!


@solaraestelbooks Oh no, is Dark Enchantment down?


@solaraestelbooks I get to come back to TWO updates? :O Yay me!!


this message may be offensive
Chapter 14.5 is posted as promised! I hope you all are having a great weekend! Here’s a snippet:
          Fear gripped Eira as the realization sank in—she was alone, and without her powers, she was totally, and utterly royally screwed. 
          As the Hindoloth continued towards her, she couldn't help but curse, "Oh, shit."


@NikolaJHuizen it was unpublished! I didn't even realize it was. Thanks for the messages!


@solaraestelbooks Oh no, is Dark Enchantment down?


@solaraestelbooks I get to come back to TWO updates? :O Yay me!!


Chapter 14 is posted! Part 2 is coming either later today or tomorrow. Here's a snippet:
          Groggy and still half-asleep, she opened the door to find Prince Aldric standing outside, flanked by a group of maids who bustled past her and into her chamber, clutching various garments. Aldric's expression was a mix of concern and annoyance as he examined her simple attire with distaste.
          "My dear Lydia," he said, his voice tinged with genuine frustration, "I cannot believe you are considering wearing that today."


Chapter 13.5 is posted and it is....pretty long! I honestly was considering if I should split it into two more parts but ultimately decided against it. Here's a snippet:
          Arin swore, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's his deal?"
          Fëandil, his voice laced with dry sarcasm, snapped back at Arin, "His deal is that he's trying to kill us! Now help us, Arin! We can explain later!"


Chatper 13 is posted! I truly loved this chapter. Here's a snippet!
          This time, she spoke loud enough for Monty to hear. "I must be out of my mind for entertaining this, but there's something about your plea, Monty, that strikes a chord." She scowled, as if annoyed with herself.
          She looked back to Fëan and was drawn back to a time years ago when she, bloodied and broken, stood amidst the ruins of a burned-out academy. A place where she had looked upon death and devastation and had still dared to hope for more. She saw that reflected on his face, before turning back to Monty.


Chapter 12.5 is posted! Here's a snippet: 
          The librarian snorted as if their lack of understanding amused him. "Beneficial? It's a reminder. Apprentices should be preserving knowledge, not cavorting with heretics and helping to destroy it. Lydia needs to learn that."