
I hate coward people, like they'll message me asking how am i? Like btch I'm not fkcing okay then before i answer they'll end up blocking me... Like u dumb or sumthin? You know what i hate fcking waiting let's end this useless friendship since it's already broke anyway... Don't ever comeback, I've always been waiting for you then you'll leave me again oh please....
          	I hate you, i don't ever wanna see your face again!


I hate coward people, like they'll message me asking how am i? Like btch I'm not fkcing okay then before i answer they'll end up blocking me... Like u dumb or sumthin? You know what i hate fcking waiting let's end this useless friendship since it's already broke anyway... Don't ever comeback, I've always been waiting for you then you'll leave me again oh please....
          I hate you, i don't ever wanna see your face again!


this message may be offensive
Y'all are so dumb tbh, Why message me here if you know that i barely even have a cignal like wtf u can message me on my Main account why here??? U're dumb if u wait for my message all-day without knowing that I don't have any Network like HEYY u still there why u deactivate ARGH!


this message may be offensive
Good morning y'all... It's already 6:25 am here and i still haven't sleep, I even forgot to do my hw now I'm really fucked up lol GDKSBDJWNDJWJS I don't have any motivation don't blame me


I literally have 4 prompt on my notes and I'm basically struggling to finish 2 stories, Can u imagine the frustration  i might just upload a one shot book
          It's where i write things i imagine, I can't even now write a frickin smut.
          Anygays, y'all happy New year i know it's late, but duh Filipino time Hope we all have a good start of 2022!




@JaidenceLee Yea, it's okay it's not finished tho... Since I'm completely dumb and can't think of anything


Sorry I just saw all of this thank you tho lol


@JaidenceLee So you like smut smut huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jk jk haha, sure I'll do that... I already think a plot for spicy one heh!