
It's been three years that I've been on here AYYYY 


Awe it was no problem. I absolutely adore your story, it's something new and different from the rest. I love everything about it. The character development is amazing; seeing how Hayden is getting better, and how Tristan is no longer the bully and how caring he is. Words cannot describe how captivated I was with your story. Thank you so much for allowing me the chance to read your word xx. I'm exited to see what's in store for Tristan and Hayden in the upcoming chapters. I hope to one day be able to own a copy of this book to place on my bookshelf and read again and again. Thank you again xoxo :)


Thanks for the follow and the votes. I am so glad you are enjoying my work.


@MaesaFJ im flattered and it's my pleasure. xx


@MaesaFJ It's not problem. Thank you for allowing me the chance to read your amazing work :) I enjoyed reading it so much xoxo


Thank you for the votes and for adding rogue mate to one of your reading lists (⌒▽⌒)


@sombre_scorpio im glad to hear that (>y<) 


@Booksforlife4901 aww no problem, I loved reading it ~(^ • ^)~ and thank you for allowing me the chance to read your story❤️❤️


I took down potential and I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to write it or not I'm also trying to write RunAwayKids but I have ideas and the first bit but I have a writers block like a MAJOR one. I want to write so bad and I have all these ideas but I can't put them into actual words or there's things missing and idk. I am trying really hard tho to write stuff so hopefully I will be writing freely sometime in the VERY near future.