



          Adulterine: Chapter Four “A lot of Hypothetical” is now posted. 
          It’s bit of a short chapter, a filler, you may say. I can’t spoil the next chapter but in my crystal ball, its informing me that you don’t wanna miss it.  I plan to update again sometime this week. 
          comment & vote if you want! <3 thank you. 


okay so, i know its been like YEARS. I’m pretty sure everyone who follows me is inactive. I have suddenly sparked an interest on being on wattpad again. 
          I have removed all my stories as they are completely cringe (mind you i was 15-17) writing these *books*. I might bring them back with a facelift— if i can get by the CRINGE. 
          I may start a new book, 
          My thing is if it should be a h.s or something else OR maybe do both? I think im just afraid if harry fanfics have died and if anyone would still read them. (my love for him will never die) 
          I have been planning something this entire week but im debating if i should upload it or not. 
          Feel free to dm me any time !! <3 