
             Please do Supoort my new story my dear readers;-)
          	            And thank you so much for the followers and for loving my stories. 


Heyoo I'm sincerely waiting for your stories and I hope you are healthy and happy. Thank you :)


@yours_sunshine923 sorry for neglecting wattpad for many days I will update it so you don't have to worry about it, and I also hope you are healthy, stay safe 


Hey Buddy!!
          Just stopped by to leave a note for a beautiful flower like you in this garden named world.
          "Embrace the glorious self that you are!!♥️ You are not gonna regret it."✨
          Be you and be proud of yourself! You don't need to fit in the standards that the world makes. Be different be you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)❤️✨!!!
          I hope you are taking care of yourself ❤️!
          Take Care and Stay Safe ❤️!
          Loads of love and hugs!!!!❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️


@ARMYDirectioner04 you too take care, stay safe, stay healthy, stay hydrated 


Sorry guys this days I'm not frequently active in wattpad as I'm in broading school due to this pandemic but don't worry I will try to do it after I finish with my broading school 
          Please forgive me my readers


@KrysShaniaAgad I won't ever in my whole life will delete this app I can't also don't worry I will update after I finish my upcoming exams and will update everyday till then stay safe and sound 


It’s okay hopefully you’ll be back soon waiting for ty leader of mafia ff to be finished...but pls what ever happens pls don’t delete ur Wattpad acc