
I'm not leaving wattpad because I can't stop writing. But I can't drag my stories without my satisfaction more. So, I need break for now. Months long break. As a 12 candidate, I need to crack exams, I need to get admit in a good college. Life is a show and you must play your own role to show how good you are. 
          	I will be active obviously. You can text me anytime, and I will reply, though it can be late. Because here I made some genuine friends and I can't let them go. I will read your stories, at times of recreation. But yeah, no reading requests are taken for new books. I will again start writing after April, after my exams. Maybe then, writing will again become my buddy, without being a burden. 
          	I will complete my book, but yeah, not upbringing your false hopes. I will quit writing One Question: why! It was a mistake, but a golden mistake. And in reply, I can say, I am not satisfied with it. I will continue my book, 'For You', with more ideas.
          	So, yeah! I am still here, although not being here. Text me, if you need. I will reply. Need me, I will be there. 
          	Peace out.


@soumiliiiii Ok take your time and All The Best for your exams


@soumiliiiii okay I agree with you  that you have to study for your 12 board and it's really important for you but plzzz don't quit writing " one question:why " ...
          	  Plz we will surely wait for you  but plzz don't quit .....
          	  I always very excited to read this book whenever you posted a new chapter ....
          	  It's really an fantastic and amazing  book  ... This book is my heart literally...
          	  So plzzzz don't quit I request you plzz continue writing this book you can write this book after your board exam we will surely wait until you complete your 12th .....


@soumiliiiii you quit writing one question why. My question to you is WHY DID YOU QUIT IT??? IT WAS AWESOMEEE! I WAS JUST SO EXCITED TO READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU QUIT my said destiny. I was super excited today, guess I'll have to start finding new books like that :/ but whatever you did good so far. I had sent you a msg for an idea, but looks like it dead now :( 


Heya di missed you a lot ! ♥️❤️ Being genuine I missed you and ur words and ur stories a lot and yeah I wished u happy b'day in my book but I think u didn't see it no worries happy belated bday di ❤️❤️ ! You know you are the best di I have eva got in Wattpad ......I love you a lot ...... And I understand u need to focus on ur studies I desperately miss ur books but no worries I understand why u took this decision it's fine ❤️ I just hope you would be back to writing soonish and remember I love you and u are one of the most special person in my life ❤️❤️
          Hope u see this and hope u reply ♥️❤️
          I was on hiatus actually I came back and thought of written to some special ppl in my life ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
          Honestly missing ur book a lotttttttttt and even missing you ! But hope we will get our soumilii di backkkkkkkkkk soonish ♥️❤️♥️


I'm not leaving wattpad because I can't stop writing. But I can't drag my stories without my satisfaction more. So, I need break for now. Months long break. As a 12 candidate, I need to crack exams, I need to get admit in a good college. Life is a show and you must play your own role to show how good you are. 
          I will be active obviously. You can text me anytime, and I will reply, though it can be late. Because here I made some genuine friends and I can't let them go. I will read your stories, at times of recreation. But yeah, no reading requests are taken for new books. I will again start writing after April, after my exams. Maybe then, writing will again become my buddy, without being a burden. 
          I will complete my book, but yeah, not upbringing your false hopes. I will quit writing One Question: why! It was a mistake, but a golden mistake. And in reply, I can say, I am not satisfied with it. I will continue my book, 'For You', with more ideas.
          So, yeah! I am still here, although not being here. Text me, if you need. I will reply. Need me, I will be there. 
          Peace out.


@soumiliiiii Ok take your time and All The Best for your exams


@soumiliiiii okay I agree with you  that you have to study for your 12 board and it's really important for you but plzzz don't quit writing " one question:why " ...
            Plz we will surely wait for you  but plzz don't quit .....
            I always very excited to read this book whenever you posted a new chapter ....
            It's really an fantastic and amazing  book  ... This book is my heart literally...
            So plzzzz don't quit I request you plzz continue writing this book you can write this book after your board exam we will surely wait until you complete your 12th .....


@soumiliiiii you quit writing one question why. My question to you is WHY DID YOU QUIT IT??? IT WAS AWESOMEEE! I WAS JUST SO EXCITED TO READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU QUIT my said destiny. I was super excited today, guess I'll have to start finding new books like that :/ but whatever you did good so far. I had sent you a msg for an idea, but looks like it dead now :( 


The world is full of choices, either 'this' or 'that' and decisions based on those, are the hardest! It was always my dream to be something different, and unique from others. Sometimes, I make mistakes. Little sentences and words are left out and sometimes, overthinking and no ideas make my work clingy. 
          It's been more than 9 months, I have been here writing. I don't know what I write, but I still write. As I said, writing is a feeling for me. I still remember, when I wondered, 'When everyone can write, why can't I write?' And, the next moment I published my first book, Gaining readers, followers and most importantly awesome 'stranger' friends consecutively. I wrote chapters after chapters, sometimes because I wanted to write, while sometimes because you wanted to read. Yes, I won't say, I wrote too well, because I knew my mistakes.
          Writing is obviously a hobby for me, because it gives me satisfaction to a point, where happiness has no more bounds. But, as days are going by, I cant say, I'm satisfied. This hobby is becoming a burden over my shoulder. 'I have chapters to write, Oh no! My exams are coming' was all I was thinking these days, leaving my hobby aside. But, tell me, how can I give you a satisfactory story, when I myself is not satisfied at all? Again the choices are laid infront of me, 'this' or 'that'.
          And I made the decision.
          (Continued in next announcement! As my words here are more than word limits)


@soumiliiiii  hobbies are meant to generate enjoyment and happiness. Don't stress over it and don't think too much. You don't have to keep this over your personal life. Your updates are amazing and worthwaiting. We can surely wait. You get done with your exams and whenever you feel like writing, you can write!!!


The person I deliberately knew,
          is still hidden inside you.
          The ever charming days, when I noted 
          our memories,
          is now left in the vast pages of my diaries.
          The world that you had given me, in your smile
          is what I always long for a while.
          But, you went on and stood infront as a stranger,
          and across us, lies the past that lingers.
          You said, that you forgot me. And so do I!
          But the old love still blossoms inside me,
          answer me, just one question: why?


In darkness,
          Believe in light.
          In loneliness,
          Believe in friends.
          In sorrow,
          Believe in joy.
          In pain,
          Believe in empathy.
          In love,
          Believe in hope.
          Hope, the only possibility that engulfs me, in light while I drown through vast darkless nights. Hope beads my skin like dew on spring grass. Hope, that gives me strength to fight! And today too, this hope is crawling in my heartbreak :)


Reality hits, reality hurts. 
          This is a world that could be regarded as augmented or digital from those who dwell in higher layers of reality. 
          Souls would escape, love would be gone, promises would be broken oneday! That's the end of life. That's the reality.
          Live the reality, and think of the dreams. Enjoy life, because oneday, you would go. Life is no perennial. Time is limited. So enjoy and live the life. Love the life. Wish the life. 
          With love,


@soumiliiiii oh okayy then❣️


@sidneet_13forever yes❤️ it was just a random thought


r h finee