
Wow it's been a while since I've been on here. Things look a little...different.


@YuffieProductions Well it's a very rough idea right now so it's kinda hard to explain.  Basically, it takes place in a world where mages have overthrown the government and taken over.  The main character is leading a revolution against the mages.  And that's all we really have so far - besides a love triangle/polygon lol


@YuffieProductions I don't remember why I started writing in present, but I find it slightly easier at times because it's kind of like how you think-ish lol Some stories just have to be in one tense or the other though - for example, I have one story where the characters die in the end, but it's first person narration, so having it in past wouldn't really make sense (However, I didn't realize this until after I had already started it in past.  Oops.)
          My roommate and I are working on a collab right now, and it's the most planning I've done so far - and we're not even done planning yet! I typically just wing it on my own stories.


@southpawstar Well, I'm doing a lot of revising and rewriting in that, so I'd count it. 
          I've never tried present tense. I'm too used to past, so first sounds awkward when I write it. 
          Writing is honestly the hardest thing ever. It takes SO much planning and rewriting and more planning and scrapping and pulling out hair and coffee and sleepless nights.... 
          I'm trying to plan out the rest of Stray now, and I thought it would be really easy.... Nope. I've written about 5 different outlines now, and everything still doesn't fit together properly. >.< 


@YuffieProductions I didn't know whether I should count SH or not.
          I used to write only in third person.  Then I wrote one story in first and have been kind of "stuck" on that since.  I've done the same thing with tenses: used to write in past, now only write in present. I don't know when I'll go back and try past tense because I kinda like all my stories being in present, but I've already got a story idea that will require third to get a good feel for both the main characters.
          But I have to finish TBG before I start on that one - and finish planning it.  Writing is so much more work than people think it is lol


@southpawstar Three others actually! TGL, Stray, and SH. :/ I'm committing literary suicide once again. 
          I've written in 3rd person only once before--an old draft of one of the TGL books--but that was rubbish. I never went back to 3rd after that, but I feel like it will be a fun challenge. I'm still trying to get a feel for it. 


@YuffieProductions You're welcome!  Hey, take your time working on it - I mean, you're working on, what, at least two other projects at the same time?  And having three chapters plotted out is more than I ever do! lol
          Yeah I figured it was something like that.  I've done that before, which is why for right now I'm sorta sticking to first because all the stories I've worked on recently have been in first, and it takes work to force yourself back to third.  First is way more natural.