• hell
  • انضمJune 8, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
spaambore spaambore Dec 05, 2019 05:05AM
i have not been very active on here due to some personal struggles i've been having lately, and just general lack of motivation to write or interact with anyone...but i just wanted to quickly say th...
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قصص بقلم bambi
stardust and dirt / reddie fic بقلم spaambore
stardust and dirt / reddie fic
angel/ demon au! eddie is an angel richie is a demon when accidentally assigned to the same boy after a tragi...
soft ✃ reddie  بقلم spaambore
soft ✃ reddie
pastel!eddie punk!richie (this is not a FACK fan fiction. this is simply about the characters they play in th...
accident ♡ reddie بقلم spaambore
accident ♡ reddie
it wasn't supposed to end like this. it was just a summer fling.. a joke.. a "gag" as richie always...
1 قائمة قراءة