
I'm really into Harry Potter so please go look at my recent book if you haven't already  if not that's cool too :))


As of right now rps are closed. I took down my books. I will be busy for the next few months because of school and trying to graduate. So please, if I am rping with you and I don't reply, please try to understand that I can't reply right away. I'm extremely busy! My apologies. Maybe one day I'll bring the books back but for now I won't.


Ack sorry for those who are awaiting an rp reply. I'm getting migraines on the daily and I'm currently running a fever so I'm trying to very much limit my activity on social media and just on technology in general as I try to sleep and take care of myself. I hope you all understand! But I WILL reply too your rps soon. Just not as of right now because I'm sick-!!


That moment when your computer stops working properly so you just start to cry as all you can do is draw instead of animate
          My audio stopped working on my computer which yeah isn't the worst thing that could happen but for specific things I need to do on my computer, it's pretty bad. Fat rip :((


Apologies for the late of replies to RPs/updates on books!!! I've been trying to get a job and with this whole COVID-19 thing it's been really hard. Then there's the whole thing with my birthday coming up :'))) so I'm working around my family's schedule to plan a dinner or something BSIXBSIXID IT'S BEEN STRESSFUL AND IT'S THE BEGINNING OF S U M M E R-
          I just-
          I just want a summer job and a good birthday w h a t-
          What's with all this stressful BS I didn't sign up for???? ;n;


Could I ask about your HS RP?


@KEDR19 what character did you have in mind?


is playing canon characters ok?


@KEDR19 sure thing! What question(s) do you have?