
Our many different cultures notwithstanding, there's something about the holidays that makes the planet communal. Even nations that do not celebrate Christmas can't help but be caught up in the collective spirit of their neighbors, as twinkling lights dot the landscape and carols fill the air. It's an inspiring time of the year. Wishing you a jolly Christmas and Happy New Year! 



Hai kak @sparkleinblack
          Kalau ada waktu, mampir ya kak.. 
          Judul "Love Me". Thankyou ♡
          Aku mencintaimu seperti orang sakit jiwa. Memberikan segala yang aku punya. Segalanya tanpa sisa!
          Sekalipun harga diriku dikecilkan, aku tetap tak kuasa berpaling. Biarpun kau tak pernah memandangku ada, aku tetap akan menjadi apapun yang kau butuhkan.
          Walaupun kau tak pernah mencintaiku, walaupun nanti kau akan menendangku pergi, walaupun nanti kau akan berbahagia dengannya, hanya satu pintaku. Biarkan aku memilikimu untuk sesaat. Hanya selama kau berjuang meyakinkan dia untuk bersamamu dalam pernikahan. Hanya waktu yang sedikit itu yang ku pinta.
          Hah! Betapa bodohnya aku!


Our many different cultures notwithstanding, there's something about the holidays that makes the planet communal. Even nations that do not celebrate Christmas can't help but be caught up in the collective spirit of their neighbors, as twinkling lights dot the landscape and carols fill the air. It's an inspiring time of the year. Wishing you a jolly Christmas and Happy New Year! 