
/  anyways   ,,    comment  below  for  a  one liner   !     and  specify  mood   .


/⠀⠀gore !  gore !  gore !


⠀⠀i expected you to have more eyes.


            get  other  friends  ://


⠀it's too late,   accept it.


/  zozo  becoming  friends  with  a  rlly  soft  /  sweet  angel  pls  n  thank  you   ,,,  give  my  baby  some  love   !!   some  unconditional  love   !!!   
          warning  ,   they  will  probably  simp  for  the  angel  so  mfkin  hard  without  even  realising  it


¹¹¹    :         lol


original  horror  anon    ,    the  humanised  ouija  board    .     introduction  thread   .     nsfw  themes  ahead    ,    viewer  discretion  is  advised   .     horror   ,    gore    ,    violence   ,    death   ,    psychological  horror   ,    abuse   ,     mature  language    ,     sexual  content  and  other  darker  themes  will  be  featured  heavily  on  this  account     .     PROCEED  WITH  CAUTION   !   MATURE  AUDIENCES  ADVISED   !


            ⠀typically   ,    zozo  will  appear  as  any  normal  human   .    however   ,    when  someone  sits  them  down  to  use  their  abilities  successfully   ,    their  physique  changes  drastically   .    their  eyes  will  turn  completely  white    ,     emitting  a  faint  glow  that  will  often  offer  a  small  amount  of  unsettling  light  in  the  typically  incredibly  dark  rooms   .    across  their  chest   ,    the  alphabet  will  appear   ,   alongside  the  numbers    ,   as  is  typical  for  any  ouija  board   .    on  their  right  palm    ,    “ no “   will  appear   ,   and  on  their  left   ,    “ yes “   .   “ goodbye “    will  be  scrawled  across  their  lower  stomach   .    all  of  these  markings  are  white  and  glow  just  like  their  eyes  do   .
            ⠀zozo  can  see  and  interact  with  the  other  side  regularly   ,   sometimes  seeming  to  zone  out  as  their  mind  wanders  to  the  world  of  the  dead  and  they’re  able  to  see  the  altered  reality  of  the  afterlife    .    however   ,    for  others  to  interact  with  the  other  side   ,   zozo  does  need  to  activate  their  abilities   .
            ⠀despite  there  being  rules  to  use  an  ouija  board   ,   zozo  will  not  make  you  follow  them   .   no   ,   instead   ,   zozo  will  allow  you  to  use  their  abilities  recklessly   ,    and  as  the  creatures  of  the  other  side  lash  out  as  the  typical  safeguards  are  ignored   ,   zozo  will  merely  watch   .    if  you  wish  to  be  foolish   ,   why  should  they  stop  you   ?
            ⠀when  their  abilities  are  activated  and  a  spirit  is  actually  there  to  be  communicated  with   ,    the  spirit  will  use  zozo  to  speak   .    thus   ,    when  zozo  speaks  in  this  state   ,    it  will  often  sound  as  though  two  voices  blend  into  one    -    one  being  zozo’s  natural  tone   .    it’s  unsettling  for  most  to  hear   ,    if  you  aren’t  expecting  it   .


              [  …  ]  “ suddenly   ,   you’re  ripped  into  being  alive   .    and  life  is  pain   ,   and  life  is  suffering   ,    and  life  is  horror   , “
            ⠀you  are  a  device  so  often  used  by  others  to  connect  to  a  side  of  the  afterlife  that  should  often  be  forgotten   .   you  are  something  that  naive  mortals  see  fit  to  use  recklessly    ,    only  to  deal  with  the  horrific  consequences  as  cruel  demons  and  angry  entities  lash  out  at  those  who  dare  to  disturb  their  peace   .   perhaps  you  could  give  more  warning   ,    give  more  guidance  to  those  who  attempt  to  use  you   .   but   ,    perhaps    ,    you  like  watching  as  humans  destroy  themselves  in  a  futile  attempt  to  understand  what  happened  to  those  who  have  passed  on   .      perhaps  you  want  the  bad  things  to  happen   .    after  all    ,   you’re  a  tool  used  by  the  other  side   .    it’s  only  natural  for  you  to  be  so  much  like  them    .
                “ but  my  god   ,   you’re  alive  and  that  is  spectacular   . “  [  !!!  ]