
hey everyone, you might have noticed that i deleted sorry. i apologize for anyone who’s disappointed but i wasn’t having a good time writing it and i was suffering major writer’s block. i’m currently working on a nick robinson fanfiction and a shawn mendes fanfiction so i will keep everyone posted on when those are coming!! 
          	xo jj


hey everyone, you might have noticed that i deleted sorry. i apologize for anyone who’s disappointed but i wasn’t having a good time writing it and i was suffering major writer’s block. i’m currently working on a nick robinson fanfiction and a shawn mendes fanfiction so i will keep everyone posted on when those are coming!! 
          xo jj


Hey everyone! First, I just wanna say that fools has almost 9k reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading❤️ Also, I wanna apologize for being sooo inactive I'm going to catch up on all your guys' wonderful fanfics and I will update fools some more for the next few days!! Thank you guys for sticking with me I also wanna say that on my personal account (man0nthemoon) I have been writing a boyxboy book that I'm really excited for along with a couple mysteries and teen fictions in my drafts so I will let you guys know when I start updating those :)


@reinharts- thank you so much ily❤️❤️


you deserve the reads and votes your book is absolutely amazing ❤️