
Hey cutie pie! Thank you so much for adding CRUSH to your reading list! I hope you enjoy it and feel free to leave any feedback. Stay safe and have an amazing day, month, year and forever after~
          kingaugusts <3
          (ps, your background is *chef’s kiss*)


I'm sorry I know you're summary for Kalen says slow updates but you've updated your other books just not kalen do you know when your next update will be? Not trying to be rude BTW I just truly love the book.


@DarknessWillRise14 Haha,you didn't come off as rude-Kalen will be updated once I'm done with FJC which is FJ time next week Tuesday 


This may come off rude. But do you have any books that are completed? Id like to read all of them cuz i find them interesting but there is barely anything there. And thats the one thing i hate. When ppl starting writing a book and doesnt complete it or doesnt update and it has a really interesting summary to it that makes you want to read more. Thats what its like when i loom at your books. I want to read them so bad but there aint really nothing to read