
Hello my friends! Some of you may have noticed the plethora of updates happening today! Four for sure, hopefully a fifth before I collapse in bed. This is a rare occurrence and not something I'm sure I could have managed had I planned it. A funny thing happened...I participate in NaNoWriMo almost every year and I always finish it. This year a lot of things happened in my November and I had given myself permission not to finish. I was stuck on 24,000 words and for the sake of my own sanity and health I let it go. I was headed to a conference for work this weekend and a sudden snow storm hit, leaving me in a hotel room with zero responsibilities (other than feeding myself) and 36 hours left in November. Well my dear friends, with an hour to spare I wrote all remaining 26,000 words and completed four (almost five) updates for all the stories I have been working on recently. I genuinely hope you enjoy! 
          	Happy Reading! 


❤️❤️❤️ it’s coming soon! 


@ssjmsjm| loving book 2 in the Liar, Liar series so far. So excited for Dean and Erin's inevitable reunion.