
Hi everyone! This is Saka.
          	I am thrilled (and also feeling guilty) after reading your messages♡. Thank you for waiting for Indurasmi Batavia and Vanillablue for such a long time.
          	I'm sorry I couldn't appear sooner. There have been many stories (good, bad, joys, and sorrows) that have happened to me over the past few years. I have been through a lot (quite a few difficulties) to the point where I couldn't sleep well for the past few years.
          	Suddenly, I remembered that I have this account, my story isn't very popular, but I am grateful that there are people reading it. And now, I feel like I should continue the story. There are many fantasy thoughts in this brain hahaha. Please pray for me, hopefully, I still remember how to write narratives.
          	A little disclaimer, maybe the latest parts will give me a little difficulty because I have to get used to it again. So, please bear with me! :) 


Hi everyone! This is Saka.
          I am thrilled (and also feeling guilty) after reading your messages♡. Thank you for waiting for Indurasmi Batavia and Vanillablue for such a long time.
          I'm sorry I couldn't appear sooner. There have been many stories (good, bad, joys, and sorrows) that have happened to me over the past few years. I have been through a lot (quite a few difficulties) to the point where I couldn't sleep well for the past few years.
          Suddenly, I remembered that I have this account, my story isn't very popular, but I am grateful that there are people reading it. And now, I feel like I should continue the story. There are many fantasy thoughts in this brain hahaha. Please pray for me, hopefully, I still remember how to write narratives.
          A little disclaimer, maybe the latest parts will give me a little difficulty because I have to get used to it again. So, please bear with me! :) 


hai sakhaa, how r u? aku pembaca setia indurasmi batavia since 2021 (or maybe 2020?) akuu nungguin banget update an nya karna cerita nya seseru itu dan narasi yang sebagus itu, sampai akhir nya aku dapet kabar kalo sakha mau fokus snbt or sbnp dulu, dan ternyata di terima di ui yaa? cieeee. tapi kenapa ga update lagi huhuhu, its 2024 sakhaa,, i still waiting youu. aku kangen arthur and alma lagii


halo? saya akhirnya inget password akun wp ini :)


@ sssakalade  saakkkaa tolong baca dmku yaa ( ◜‿◝ )♡


@sssakalade kakkk welcome back ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ aku kangen bngett sama arthur 


@sssakalade ya ampun kak pantesan jarang update ternyata alasannya agak plot twist ya