
Don’t know if I have Stays followin me etc But, I wanna ask a random question qwq Do any of yous know a good 2min fanfic with a Mafia AU etc Preferably with a Top Minho & Bottom Seungmin(I’m a picky reader, just lettin yees know lol) 
          	I’ll take any recommendations, I’ve been in a 2min mood lately q3q


Don’t know if I have Stays followin me etc But, I wanna ask a random question qwq Do any of yous know a good 2min fanfic with a Mafia AU etc Preferably with a Top Minho & Bottom Seungmin(I’m a picky reader, just lettin yees know lol) 
          I’ll take any recommendations, I’ve been in a 2min mood lately q3q


Wattpad is the only place where I can rant for now. 
          My twitter & fb/insta is all got those Christmas posts. This Christmas is one of the rubbish ones I’ve ever had.. My dad’s been moaning at me & my mum ALL morning. Jus to get the house bloody cleaned & all that crap.. I’m not just saying this for the hell of it. I was honestly getting scared.. of my own dad as well. 


@N1GH7F4LL Last years Christmas was the worst one I’ve ever had tbh Everything’s fine now tho- 
            Hope you’re ok :( ✨


I’m feeling a bit better now. But, don’t think I’ll be talking to ma dad that much. I’ll still talk to him, just not as much :/ 